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Data: 22/05/2015

4.2 Individuals will be encouraged to articulate their learning needs and to formulate realistic objectives for follow-up. They will also be encouraged to contribute to others’ learning and development, by making their knowledge and experience available to the wider National Agencies network.

Requested trainer profile
1. Extensive experience as Facilitator / Trainer (including programme design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation)
2. Experience of working with adult learners (including in the context of management training)
3. Knowledge and understanding of European learning mobility programmes (including Erasmus+ and its policy context)
4. Experience of working with the National Agencies for Erasmus+ (or the predecessor programmes: LifeLong Programme and Youth in Action)

Working conditions
• The Facilitator / Trainer will be expected to work independently to design and deliver the learning and development programme.
• There will be regular consultation with UK National Agency staff, and with representatives of the Co-ordinating Group of (Youth) National Agencies.
• The Facilitator / Trainer will be accommodated in the same way as participants (single rooms) for the duration of the face-to-face event in September (three nights).
• The Facilitator / Trainer will work independently (though in consultation with UK National Agency staff and with representatives of the Co-ordinating Group of (Youth) National Agencies, as above) to complete the agreed monitoring and evaluation.
• The organisers estimate that 6 working days will be required from the facilitator/trainer, in order to design and deliver the programme as outlined above. A total fee €1,740 (6 days at a daily rate of €290) will be payable. Costs of any necessary travel and subsistence will also be covered.

Team composition
• The Facilitator / Trainer will work under the direction of the UK National Agency to design and deliver the learning and development programme for Heads of (Youth) National Agencies.
• The UK National Agency has appointed a Project Manager, with responsibility for all aspects of the event logistics. The Project Manager will be present throughout the event.
• The Programme Lead for Youth at the Erasmus+ UK National Agency will advise on content for the event, in consultation with the Co-ordinating Group of (Youth) National Agencies. The UK National Agency's Programme Lead for Youth will also be present throughout the event - together with other UK National Agency staff, as appropriate.

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than:
Monday 1 June 2015

How to apply:
Proposals, to include the applicant’s CV and an outline of the training event (to include: suggested content and approach to delivery; 2 x A4 max.), should be sent to Mark Morgan at the UK National Agency ([email protected]).

The deadline for receipt of proposals is Monday 1 June 2015. For further information, please contact: Simon Chambers, UK National Agency ([email protected]).

You will be informed about the selection by: Monday 8 June 2015

Call for facilitator or trainer - May 2015.docx

For more information
Simon Chambers, Programme Lead - Youth, Erasmus+ UK National Agency
Phone: (+44) (0)207 389 4109
Email: [email protected]

SALTO-YOUTH is a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field. Find out more about us.

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