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Data: 28/05/2015

Office Management and Logistics: to ensure adequate procedures in managing the WeWorld Office (human, financial and physical resources) and provide logistic support to the missions undertaken by the headquarters for different purposes;
• Networking: to manage the relationship with the local authorities and to evaluate the possibility of creating partnerships with UN and other International agencies operating in the country;
• Application of the procedures: to ensure the compliance with the Management Model and the Ethical Code adopted by WeWorld according to the Dlgs 231/01.

Experiences and Knowledge
• Particular consideration to applicants with a previous experience in emergency context.
• University Degree (Preferably in Economic Science).
• Experience in management and implementation of international cooperation projects in the field (5 yrs), best if in Country Representative or Plan Coordinator Role.
• Strong administrative competencies and good knowledge of the Accountancy procedures of the main international donors.
• Proved experience in writing projects for main donor agencies (UE, UN agencies, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, etc.).
• Mastery of the relevant technical tools (ex. Project Cycle Management).
• Preferably previous experience in management of child sponsorship programs.
• Preferably previous experience in childhood projects, especially focused on primary education.
• Preferably previous experience in emergency program.
• Italian mother tongue, proficiency in English both written and spoken.
• Excellent in Excel.

Expertise and Abilities
• Capable of working in team.
• Excellent communication skill and sensitivity in dealing with local institutions on critical issues.
• Very flexible, patient and with a positive attitude.
• Dynamic and willing to take initiative to complete tasks assigned.
• Problem solving skills.
• Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics.

To apply register on this site enclosing:
• Updated curriculum vitae.
• Cover Letter, including the expected salary.
• Specify three references, indicating telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Only applications containing the consent to the processing of personal data under D.Lgs.196/2003 will be considered; incomplete applications will not be considered.

WeWorld Onlus is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

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