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Action Contre la Faim ha aperto una selezione in Italia per individuare diversi profili

Data: 01/06/2015

Action Contre la Faim ha aperto una selezione in Italia per individuare diversi profili per la sua operatività all’estero. Tra questi Field Coordinator, Logistician, finance, HR expert ed altri profili specialistici. Interviste a Milano tra il 15 e il 20 giugno. Scadenza invio dei CV: 10 giugno 2015.

Action Contre la Faim (ACF) is a non-governmental organization that fights against hunger. Our charter of based on the following principles : independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism, transparency – is guiding our actions on the field and has been part of our identity for the past 35 years. Our mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of under-nutrition, particularly during and after emergency situations linked to conflicts or natural disasters.
Our programs are focusing on the following area of expertise: nutrition, health and healthcare practices – food security and livelihoods – water, sanitation and hygiene.
ACF works in more than 50 countries mainly in Africa, Middle- East and Southeast Asia.
ACF encompasses 3 Operational Centers (in Madrid, New York and Paris) and offices in Canada, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom For more information consulte our website: www.actioncontrelafaim.org.


Different types of profiles:

Generalist profiles such as: Field Coordinators, Logisticians, finance or HR experts.
Specialists in our technical area of interventions: Nutrition and Health; Mental Health and Care Practices; Food Security and Livelihood; Water Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion.

• Fixed term contract;
• Monthly gross salary calculated depending on the position offered and the professional experience of the candidate;
• ACF takes care of the following field costs: flight ticket (home/field/home); VISA, Vaccination, accommodation, food and living allowance and per-diem; health and rapatriation insurance; break and per-diem for breaks every 3 months;
• Paid leave, if it not taken during the contract period;
• Training and possibility to build a proper carrier path within the ACF network.

• Fluency in spoken and written English, French is an asset;
• Copies of degrees and work certificates;
• 4 years of professional experiences in one of the field of expertise mentioned above Motivation for the humanitarian sector.

We are looking for dynamic, experienced and independent professionals, seeking for new professional challenges. If you recognize yourself in the depicted profile, please send us your application ( CV, Cover letter, and references – from your lasts two employers), by clicking on the following link.
• Be aware that !!
• Recruitment days will be organized in Milan between the 15th and 20th of June.
• Deadline for application is the 10th of June.

Leggi la vacancy in francese.

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