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Data: 11/06/2015

• Have experience in international youth events;
• Are willing to collaborate and work for the benefit of the project with respect of deadlines set by YEU;
• Senior trainer needs to be able and ready to mentor junior trainer;
• Are proficient users of English language.

Working conditions
Fee for senior trainer is 100 EUR per day, gross amount. Fee for junior trainer is 30 EUR per day, gross amount. Fee for organizer is 80 EUR per day, gross amount. If selected, all the details including YEU Golden rules, junior support, deadlines, tasks and conditions will be stated in the contract between trainers/organizer and YEU. Travel costs within travel costs limits and visa costs (if any) are covered by YEU 100%.

Team composition

Responsibilities of the Trainers:

• To have regular online meetings with other trainers and the project coordinator in order to plan the training;
• To develop the latest version of the daily programme latest 2 weeks before the trainings;
• To develop the relevant session outlines latest 2 weeks before the trainings;
• To be present at the trainings and implement their tasks in a collective way;
• To have daily evaluation with the project coordinator during the training;
• To prepare a final report which needs to be submitted to the project coordinator latest 3 weeks after the training
• To support development of the idea for the final video of the training course (technical knowledge of shooting and editing is not needed)
• Senior trainer needs to provide support to junior trainer and work on development of junior’s skills during the preparation and in the training providing with relevant learning experience.

Target groups
Youth workers, NGO representatives, volunteers and trainers who are willing to share their own stories, experiences, willing to get involved in self-directed learning process. The participants of this project will be willing and motivated to apply the method of storytelling in their sending organizations as a tool to empower, inspire young people that they are working to take further steps and discover new things about themselves. Project will engage as well, participants with fewer opportunities on the terms of facing: social or economic obstacles to be involved.

Which competences are to be improved by participants in this project?

During the project, participants will have the chance to acquire/improved knowledge such as:

• Participants will explore the topic of storytelling and how stories can be a powerful tool to bring social change;
• Participants will be able to discover and understand about their own potential and get inspired, motivated, empowered from each story shared;
• Participants will be able to apply the knowledge learned in their organization while working with young people by understanding that each person has special needs and empower everyone in their work;
• Participants will learn how to prepare and implement national action plans.

As well they will acquire/improve attitudes such as:
• Overcoming the fears, stigma and mind limitations;
• Establishing a positive thinking and attitude about life situations that happen around;
• Having the belief in themselves and the ability to make changes on themselves;
• Increasing the self-confidence and self-empowerment;
• Tolerance towards people’s different cultural backgrounds;
• Motivation to inspire young people through the method of storytelling;
• Improving their knowledge about Erasmus+ Programme.
All the methods used during the training course will be based on non-formal education activities, where all the participants will have the opportunity to be actively involved, discuss, share, learn from each other, critically reflect and get the best out from this training course.

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than:
07/07/2015 23:59 (CET)

How to apply:
Applications must be done through the online call for trainers on YEU intranet.

The evaluation procedure will be done by YEU on the basis of the quality of applications and the candidates' profile. Priority will be given to those that most closely meet the identified criteria and to members of the YEU PET.

You will be informed about the selection by: 17/07/2015 23:59 (CET)

For more information
Tamara - Giulia, Secretary general (Tamara) - Project Officer (Giulia)
Email: [email protected]

SALTO-YOUTH is a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field. Find out more about us.

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