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Data: 11/06/2015

Since its first edition in 2000, the University takes place once a year bringing together representatives of youth organisations and youth movements from all over the world who gather in CEULAJ (Euro-Latin-American Youth Centre) to discuss, train and be trained as well as to take political action around the main issues on the global agenda.
The University is the oldest sister of the Network of Universities on Youth and Global Citizenship (together with the 3 others that have been organised in Tunisia, Cape Verde and Uruguay) that is facilitated by NSC.
In 2015, the University on Youth and Development will celebrate its 16th edition, under the joint theme “Youth.org: Actors for Change!” and renewed hopes and aspirations, objectives and challenges are shared between partners to reinforce this space as the home of the Global Education and of the Global Youth Movement. The overall objectives of the UYD are to promote youth work development and youth participation as well as political mainstreaming of the youth related issues and youth policy development; to reinforce capacity-building of civil society organisations; to foster youth cooperation and Global Youth Work; and to promote human rights, intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship as essential dimensions of global education.

Requested trainer profile

Trainers profile (priority will be given to those that most closely meet these criteria and to members of the YEU PET):

• Have knowledge and experience on topics covered by the training (for trainers);
• Have experience in organizing international youth events (for organizers);
• Are willing to collaborate and work for the benefit of the project with respect of deadlines set by YEU;
• Senior trainers need to be able and ready to mentor junior trainer;
• Are proficient users of English language.

Working conditions
Fee for senior trainer is 100 EUR per day, gross amount. Fee for junior trainer is 30 EUR per day, gross amount. Fee for organizer is 60 EUR per day, gross amount. If selected, all the details including YEU Golden rules, junior support, deadlines, tasks and conditions will be stated in the contract between trainers/organizer and YEU. Travel costs within travel costs limits and visa costs (if any) are covered by YEU 100%.

Team composition

Responsibilities of the trainers

• To have regular online meetings with other trainers and the project coordinator in order to plan the trainings;
• To develop the latest version of the daily programme latest 2 weeks before the trainings;
• To develop the relevant session outlines latest 2 weeks before the trainings;
• To be present at the trainings and implement their tasks in a collective way;
• To have daily evaluation with the project coordinator during the training;
• To prepare a final report which needs to be submitted to the project coordinator latest 3 weeks after the training;
• To prepare and finalize the publication in cooperation with YEU office and submit it to the project coordinator within agreed deadline;
• Senior trainers need to provide support to junior trainer and work on them on development of their skills during the preparation and in the training providing them with relevant learning experience.

Target groups
The project targets youth workers and particularly 2 main groups of youth workers
• youth trainers (people who facilitate the learning process of young people).
• youth organizers/managers (people who are responsible for the coordination of the activities of the organization, the communication, the daily tasks, the practical arrangements, etc).

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than:
07/07/2015 23:59 (CET)

How to apply:
Applications must be done through the online call for trainers on YEU intranet.

The evaluation procedure will be done by YEU on the basis of the quality of applications and the candidates' profile. Priority will be given to those that most closely meet the identified criteria and to members of the YEU PET.

You will be informed about the selection by: 17/07/2015 23:59 (CET)

For more information
Tamara - Giulia, Secretary general (Tamara) - Project Officer (Giulia)
Email: [email protected]

SALTO-YOUTH is a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field. Find out more about us.

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