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altre informazioni 1

Data: 03/08/2015

• A toolkit on how to start a youth radio programme
UNESCO’s ‘Linking Generations through Radio’ is an important toolkit that can help you start a customised youth radio programme that can be further adapted to the capacity of your radio station and the needs of your community listeners. The 62-page radio toolkit provides inclusive examples to allow free exchange of ideas between girls and boys and increase awareness of radio producers and managers about ethical and legal requirements particularly when working with minors. Read more.

• A Free Toolkit that helps you become a Young Leader
Women Deliver developed the this toolkit called ‘Respecting, Protecting and Fulfilling our Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights’ which helps young leaders provide with information and guidance in order to become a impactful, expert young leader for sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). Whether you have been involved in the field of SRHR for years or are brand new, this toolkit highlights important aspects of SRHR and provides numerous additional resources to build your knowledge and capacity to take action. Read more.

• GIMBE: 300 borse di studio da 800 euro
La Fondazione GIMBE ha previsto una terza edizione del bando per l’erogazione di 30 borse di studio, ciascuna del valore di € 800,00, destinate a laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia e Professioni Sanitarie e a specializzandi. Le borse di studio, interamente sostenute dalla Fondazione GIMBE, sono da intendersi a esclusiva copertura della quota di partecipazione al corso di formazione “Evidence-based Practice”, che permette di acquisire l’EBP core curriculum, set di conoscenze, attitudini e skills certificato dall’EU-EBM Unity Project. Il corso si svolgerà a Bologna presso il Royal Hotel Carlton il 20-21-22-23 gennaio 2016. Read more.

• EJN’s Climate Communications Educators Fund
The Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is accepting applications for the Climate Communications Educators Fund. The Fund invites organizations to apply for the Climate Communications Educators Fund grant opportunity, which will support educators throughout the world to build the capacity of young and aspiring journalists to access and understand and report on climate information. The Climate Educators Fund is focused on creating, localizing, and sharing training methodologies and materials among individuals and organizations who teach climate change communication. This fund has flexible spending guidelines that enable educators to experiment with teaching approaches, invest in activities ... Read more.

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