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altre informazioni

Data: 08/02/2016

• Master universitari a Murcia e Cartagena (Spagna) - Borse di studio INPS
Le università spagnole di Murcia e Cartagena offrono dei master aperti alla partecipazione di studenti italiani, supportati da borse di studio dell'INPS. Leggi tutto.

• EVS opportunity in a French town Vienne
The hosting of an European volunteer in Vienne is characterised by shared work carried out by two services who will host the volunteer: the Youth Information Office and the International Relations Office. This project of European Voluntary Service thus allows the reinforcement of common actions between the services and to emphasise voluntarism of the city in regard to the promotion of the international mobility of young people and the promotion of a citizenship open to the world. Vienne is located between Lyon and Valence, along the river Rhône, Vienne is a middle-sized town with about 30 000 inhabitants. With a rich heritage from the Antic period and an important cultural policy (thanks to local organisations and the city administration), Vienne is also a crossroad of cultures and populations. There are more than 13 000 students between 6 and 20 in Vienne, which also aims to develop the touristic sector. The European volunteer will live in a flat near the historical center and close to several cultural points of the City. The deadline for applying is on the 23th of March. The project is for 10 months, from October 2016 to July 2017.
Leggi tutto.

• 4 Borse di studio su internazionalizzazione delle imprese e politiche commerciali internazionali
L’ICE – Agenzia per la Promozione all’Estero e l’Internazionalizzazione riconosce quattro Borse di studio per Laureati italiani o stranieri di paesi comunitari. I selezionati svolgeranno un periodo formativo, con obbligo di frequenza, presso l’Ufficio di Supporto alla Pianificazione Strategica e Controllo di Gestione nella sede dell’Istituto a Roma. Le domande di partecipazione potranno pervenire entro il 29 febbraio 2016 alle ore 18.00. Leggi tutto.

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