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altre informazioni

Data: 31/03/2016

Requested trainer profile
SALTO-YOUTH Participation is looking for 1 lead facilitator and 1 general rapporteur to be involved in all 3 Participation Labs. 3 other facilitators, one for each Lab will be selected by the National Agencies hosting the Labs (Germany, the UK and Sweden).

Profile of the lead facilitator:
• Experienced in facilitating/moderating conferences, seminars or similar events;
• With knowledge about and experience in working on the topics of youth participation;
• Able to develop the methodology of the 3 Labs in cooperation with the coordinating team and to ensure a dynamic and participatory process;
• Able to co-faciliate the prep-meeting in cooperation with the organizers;
• Used to cooperating with stakeholders from different professional, political and cultural backgrounds;
• Very good coordination and communication skills (the lead facilitator will work with a different facilitator for each Lab and needs to be able to establish efficient working relationships and create a link between the 3 separate events);
• Very good command of English;
• He/she needs to be available for the preparatory meeting that will take place in Budapest or Strasbourg (to be confirmed) in the week of 29 August - 4 September (2 day meeting plus travel, exact dates to be confirmed soon).

Profile of the general rapporteur:
• Experienced in summarizing (orally and in writing) discussions and outcomes of working groups and working sessions;
• With knowledge about and experience of working on the topic of youth participation and youth policy;
• Able to propose content-related information to support the work of a group (if needed), e.g. by providing quick teasers / introductory summaries/summing up, etc.;
• Able to coordinate with the facilitators;
• Excellent writing skills /command of English;
• Excellent public speaking skills;
• He/she will provide a synthesis of the discussions and sum up at the end of each Lab + make a link between the Labs;
• He/she will produce the overall report of the project integrating the 3 separate Labs;
• Attendance of the preparatory meeting in August/ September 2016 is not necessary.

Working conditions


It is foreseen to provide a fee of 290 € per working day.

6 working days (including preparation, delivery and evaluation) are planned for each Lab, therefore each expert will be paid for 18 days for the whole project (6X 3 Labs).

The lead facilitator and the general rapporteur-> 5 220 € per person.

Team composition

Organizers and Partners:

The “Erasmus+” National Agencies of Germany, UK, Sweden and Hungary, SALTO-YOUTH Participation Resource Centre and the Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than:
26 April 2016 (midnight Brussels time)

How to apply:


Applicants should send a CV including information about their experiences and knowledge of the field of youth participation and facilitation (for lead facilitator position) or reporting/writing (for general rapporteur position).

Those applying for the position of lead facilitator should also submit their visions of each of the 3 Participation Labs – aims and objectives, expected outcomes, programme elements etc. (one page max each).

The applicants for the general rapporteur position should provide a sample of a recent writing or link(s) to reports/publications (developed individually or co-authored).

Interested experts are invited to send their application to: Raluca Diroescu - [email protected]. Please cc Stéphanie Nowakowski - [email protected].

You will be informed about the selection by: 31 May 2016

For more information
Raluca Diroescu, Project Manager
Phone: +32 2 227 52 82
Email: [email protected]

SALTO-YOUTH is a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field. Find out more about us.

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