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Data: 28/07/2016

Behavioral competencies:
• Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach.
• Ability to work and live in team.
• Ability to fit properly in a multicultural / diversity work context.
• Flexibility, capacity of managing stress, good diplomatic skills.
• Ability to live and work in a changing environment.

Application Information
To apply, please, send an update cv, a cover letter and at least three references to [email protected] by the 12/08/2016, with the authorization to the treatment of the personal data (D.lgs 196/03). Specific in the object: Liaison Officer and Portfolio Manager.

Amref reserves the right to contact only the candidates that will suit the requirements.

Due to urgency in the selection, the vacancy may be closed prior to the deadline.

Amref Health Africa Onlus does not discriminate in any way on the basis of nationality gender, political, age, as for the HR policies and under the Ley 903/77 and Ley 125/91.

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