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altre informazioni 1

Data: 01/09/2016

• The full text of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – a poster
This poster contains the complete text of all 54 articles of the Charter. It can be displayed in meeting rooms, libraries, etc. Read more...

• Promotional flyer for "Europe Direct"
Practical handout indicating the phone number, the website, and the e-mail address for contacting Europe Direct. Can easily be adapted to add the contact details of a local EDIC. Read more...

• Guide to the European Citizens’ Initiative
YOU can set the agenda – since the creation of the European Citizens' Initiative four years ago, about six million EU citizens have already made use of their new rights. Over 20 initiatives have been prepared and more than five million signatures collected. Read more...

Have fun and learn: the EU for young citizens

• "Let's explore Europe!" - educational booklet for 9-12 year olds

A booklet aimed at younger schoolchildren tells the story of Europe simply and clearly. It covers subjects ranging from nature and geography, to history and the EU more generally. Read more...

• "Europa. A journal for young people" - educational booklet about the EU for 13-18 year olds
"Europe is somewhere else". This nonsensical yet provocative statement launches the first chapter of this brochure for young adolescents. We are of course in the middle of Europe and the brochure attempts to explain what that actually means. Who runs Europe? What impact does the European Union actually have on daily lives? Read more...

• Europe in a nutshell
In difficult times, Europeans, let’s cooperate! This is the basic message of the PowerPoint presentation 'Europe in a nutshell', published on Teachers' Corner in 23 languages. Read more...

• Teachers' Corner
Looking for teaching resources about the European Union? Or wanting to give a pointer to teachers who come to you? Teachers' Corner contains all kinds of material for different age groups. Read more...

• Kids' Corner
Educational games and information for young people on European subjects – that it what you find on the web-portal Kids' Corner. You can train your memory with European flags, explore countries and famous Europeans, and fly spaceships while you learn history. And much more... Read more...

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