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Data: 25/10/2016

4. Second Inter-phase Activity - Back Home
The young people who participated in the youth exchange, will arrange the series of campaigns combating hate speech in their communities. The youth workers who were involved in the first main activity and the second main activity as the group leaders will be guiding and mentoring the young people through the whole process. The campaign will be held on June 20th - World Refugee Day in all participating countries.
5. Seminar - in Rotterdam, the Netherlands - July, 2017
we will recruit the same youth workers who were participating in the previous activities. The main aim is to consolidate competences and disseminate the achievements by producing a short manual/booklet of good practices to inspire others. The seminar will also give push to creating new international projects and increase the mobility opportunities for the young people, with this we want to reinforce the partnership and establish a network of organizations which will be holding the projects and activities against hate speech and discrimination, fostering tolerance and human rights education on the regular basis.
The travel costs on all three main activities of this project is reimbursed. Accommodation and food is covered by the project organisers. The participation fee for the training course and the seminar is 45 Euro each. Participants are required to participate all three phases of the project.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 31st of December 2016.

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