English version

altre informazioni

Data: 08/11/2016

On the end of the project the participants will have to deliver a workshop that they develop during the training with their peers. They will be evaluated by the trainers and they will be given feedback and suggestions for improvement. The main method on this training will be learning by doing. The participants will be given tasks and short deadlines in order to achieve their tasks. They are going to be guided by the trainers. After the tasks they will receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Visa costs will be reimbursed for all who need visa in the amount up to 80€. Travel costs will be according to the distance band from Erasmus+ program: Germany 180€; Macedonia 275€; Greece 275€; Spain 275€; Belarus 275€; Bosnia and Herzegovina 275€; Turkey 275€. Accommodation, food, transportation, program materials will be covered by the organizer. Insurance will be reimbursed to the participants after the project. There is participation fee in the amount of 50€.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 12th of January 2017.

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