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Data: 26/04/2017

Necessary outputs
• Presentation of various M&E options and approaches in response to the findings from the in-depth review.
• A robust and relevant M&E framework, strategy and plan based on agreed, needs as identified with GVC.
• A set of SoPs, including as minimum: dissemination and learning.
• Appropriate M&E tools developed.
• Training needs identified and relevant training provided for GVC staff.
• Training on use of M&E framework and tools, including development of an M&E manual for GVC.

Profile/Consultancy Requirements
• Proven knowledge and analytical capacity in relation to gender, human rights, and a rights-based approach to development and women’s rights;
• Experience in developing M&E and documentation systems (including key performance indicators, specific project indicators, data collection tools, functional databases for civil society organizations), as well as organizational development;
• Knowledge of formulating process and system indicators for sector reform programmes, with experience in change management;
• Knowledge of qualitative analysis and/or use of community-based approaches to monitoring and evaluation;
• In-depth understanding and knowledge of the work of non-governmental organizations;
• Experience with and supportive attitude towards processes of strengthening local organizations and building local capacities;
• Good listening and communication skills;
• Good analytical skills;
• Experience in evaluating projects on areas related to GVC core programmes and capacity building programmes;
• Excellent written skills;
• Proven experience in facilitating training in M&E;
• Experience and skills in participatory strategic and operational planning;
• Highly motivated and committed to the values of transparency and integrity.

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