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altre informazioni

Data: 08/06/2017

Experiences and Knowledge
• At least 5 years experience in Country Representative or Plan Coordinator Roles or Project Management, in International Cooperation sector;
• University Degree: Preferably in Agro-Forestry, Environment Sciences, Agronomy or proved management skills; will be evaluated CV with other degrees (especially Education, Management, WASH);
• Strong management skills and proved knowledge of the procedures of the main national and international donors (UE, UN agencies, AICS, etc.);
• Experience in resources planning for the achievement of goals within the timescale;
• Proved experience in writing projects for main donor agencies (UE, UN agencies, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, etc.);
• Mastery of the relevant technical tools (ex. Project Cycle Management, M&E);
• Preferably previous experience in emergency and post-emergency programs;
• Preferably previous experience in agricultural projects, forest and parks management, education, reconstruction;
• Proficiency in English, both written and spoken;
• Preferably Italian mother tongue;
• Preferably knowledge of Nepal or other Asian Countries;
• Excellent in Excel.

Personal Abilities
• Strong ability in coordination and teamwork;
• Attitude to play a leadership role;
• Excellent communication skill and sensitivity in dealing with local institutions on critical issues;
• Dynamic and willing to take initiative to complete tasks assigned;
• Ability to work for goals in compliance with deadlines;
• Problem solving skills;
• Strong commitment to the Mission of ASIA, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics and curious of the surrounding cultural contexts.

Candidates are invited to send to [email protected] and in copy to [email protected] the following attachments:

• Updated curriculum vitae;
• Cover Letter;
• Specify at least two references, indicating telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and relation with the candidate.

Only applications containing the consent to the processing of personal data under D.Lgs.196/2003 will be considered; incomplete applications will not be considered.

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