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Data: 07/07/2017

• 11 - 16 September 2017: Kraków Intellectual Property Law Summer School 2017. This year the programme is focused on the intriguing issues of IPR infringements, for instance intricacies of infringement in the main regimes of IP protection, patent, trademark,... Poland, Kraków. Credits 5 ECTS. Fee EUR 100. Scadenza: 31 July 2017.

• 27 - 29 September 2017:
ORCA User Meeting 2017. Our software-program ORCA is a flexible, efficient and easy-to-use general purpose tool for quantum chemistry with specific emphasis on spectroscopic properties of open-shell molec... Germany, Muelheim an der Ruhr. Fee EUR 80. Scadenza: 31 July 2017.

Fonte: Eurocultura.

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