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altre informazioni

Data: 21/09/2017

• Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe – 2016/17
A comparative analysis of the recommended minimum instruction time in full-time compulsory general education in 2016/17 in 42 European education systems, including data by country and by subject. Read more.

• Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe – 2017 Edition
National data on the main education policies regarding the teaching and learning of languages in 42 European education systems. It answers questions on the languages learnt, instruction time, expected level of proficiency and more. Read more.

All pubblications.

Forthcoming (2017 – 2018)

• Eurydice Brief: Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe

This report provides an overview of the state of play of various areas of language education across Europe with a focus on factors such as starting age or teaching method, as well as further avenues to be explored to encourage language learning (26 September 2017).

• Eurydice Brief: Academic Staff in Higher Education
This Brief highlights the key findings from the report on Academic staff in higher education. It reflects on the main human resource policy challenges facing Europe's higher education sector (October 2017).

• Citizenship Education at School in Europe
This report provides a comparative analysis of the state of play of various areas of citizenship education across Europe, in the context of an increasing focus on citizenship, mutual respect and the respect of fundamental values (October 2017).

• National Student Fee and Support Systems 2017/18
This report provides a comparative overview of fees and financial support, with country sheets that explain the details of how fees, grants, loans and other benefits actually work (October 2017).

• Lunchtime conference on the Eurydice Academic Staff report
Conference to discuss the findings from the Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Academic Staff report. Webstreaming available (24 November 2017).

• Diagrams of the Structure of European Education Systems – 2017/18
Diagrams that show how the national education system is organised at different levels (November 2017).

Education news

• Communication from the Commission on a renewed EU agenda for higher education

A new impetus for higher education in the EU. Read more.

• Communication from the Commission on School development and excellent teaching for a great start in life
School development and excellent teaching for a great start in life. Read more.

• Erasmus+ has launched a new education and training website
Erasmus+ has launched a new education and training website where you can find out about the EU's policies and initiatives all across Europe. Read more.

Who we are

The Eurydice Network's task is to provide reliable information on, and comprehensive analyses of, European education systems and policies. The network drafts descriptions of national education systems, comparative studies devoted to specific topics, indicators and statistics. Through its work, Eurydice aims to promote understanding, cooperation, trust and mobility at European and international levels. All Eurydice publications are available free of charge on the Eurydice website. The network consists of national units located in European countries and is co-ordinated by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

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