English version

altre informazioni

Data: 25/09/2017

Advanced degree in Protection or related field or equivalent work.
Five years experience in the humanitarian field as project or programme manager or in a similar position. Demonstrated experience in protection or related field in fragile states, including IDPs, refugees and returnees context.
Experience of working within an insecure environment with responsibility for security planning, monitoring and management.
Strong analytical and practical problem-solving skills;
Strong supervisory abilities, and demonstrated capacity of teamwork and of coordination with the relevant actors;
Very good inter-personal and writing communication skills;
Ability to organize work efficiently and deliver assignments in a timely manner often under time constraints;
Proficiency in written and spoken English; Arabic would be an advantage
Computer literacy, with high proficiency in the use of standard office software applications (e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint).

Tutte le informazioni e le modalità di candidatura sono disponibili qui.

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