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Data: 18/10/2017

• Support field sites in the timely preparation of projected expenditures each month (cash book management) and discuss/analyse monthly Financial Planning and reports;
• Exercise accurate budget control and ensure financial management at project sites are in line with relevant project proposals;
• Oversee budgets revision/realignments for submission to donors and provide advice and assistance where necessary;
• Ensure that an overview of project spending and financial reporting is maintained and provide advice and assistance whenever required.

Human Resource Management
• Plan national and international staff requirements and liaise with the Human Resource Manager;
• Work with Country Director to maintain up-to-date job descriptions for international staff;
• Together with the HR Manager and Project Coordinators prepare and maintain job descriptions for national staff;
• Ensure that AVSI’s staff policies and procedures are understood and correctly followed;
• In liaison with the Country Director ensure that new members are adequately briefed on arrival in the Country and Field offices and debriefed when departing;
• Together with HR Manager and Project Coordinators ensure a robust recruitment and selection process and a legally compliant disciplinary and dismissal procedure is established for national staff.

With the Country Director’s approval, represent AVSI to donors, local institutions and authorities, NGOs and other parties as necessary.

Essential Requirement:
• University degree in Business Administration, Economics or equivalent;
• 2 years of experience in development/Humanitarian context;
• At least 2 years of experience as finance/administration manager;
• Proficient knowledge of English (written and oral);
• Proficient knowledge of the standard IT software;
• Strong capacities of financial management and planning;
• Leadership and training skills;
• Corporate managing and organizational skills;
• Capacities of managing of external audits.

How to apply:
Send your CV by email to [email protected]. Please, specify in the subject of the mail the code of the position you are applying for. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Code: 4617-OM-SUD.

Include also:
Name, position and contacts (telephone and mail) of two referees.
2. First date of availability to take up place in the field.

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