English version

altre informazioni

Data: 11/12/2017

Travel budget
Country - Max. reimbursement per participant:
Luxembourg - 1 participants (maximum travel cost 530 eur); Poland - 3 participants (maximum travel cost 360 eur); Georgia - 2 participants (maximum travel cost 60 eur); Germany - 2 participants (maximum travel cost 360 eur); Armenia - 3 participants (no travel cost reimbursement); Turkey - 3 participants (maximum travel cost 275 eur); United Kingdom - 1 participant (maximum travel cost 530 eur); Russian Federation - 4 participants, (maximum travel cost 275 eur); Ukraine - 3 participants (maximum travel cost 275 eur); Belarus - 2 participants (maximum travel cost 275 eur). Participation fee: 50 EUR (will be deducted from your travel cost).
Travel costs and reimbursements
The reimbursement of the travel expenses (travel from your departure city to the venue of the project) will be made by bank transfer for all participants except those coming from Georgia, Ukraine and Russian Federation.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 28th December 2017.

[email protected]
Phone: +37455511199

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