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altre informazioni

Data: 03/02/2010

Reimbursement and documents required:
Reimbursement of the relevant amount will be made via participants’ organizations bank account_ only after receiving the participants’ original flight tickets at the mailing address of RCCD office in Smolian.
Participants will be required to bring to the activity a complete copy of their tickets and original travel agency receipt, boarding passed with the copy of their *passport pages, indicating their identity and entry stamp for BG*.
Please list all your working languages indicating your level for
each of it (N-none, B-basic, G-good, VG-very good, F-fluent, MT-mother tongue). Do you have any special needs or requirements that the host organization should know about? (E.g. mobility, visual disability, hard-hearing, special medical needs, allergies, dietary restrictions, smoker/non-smoker) local regional national international. Please describe your role in the organization.
February 5^th 2010 for applicants who need visas for Bulgaria
and February 10th for EU applicants

SCADENZA: 5th of February 2010

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